Lady Gaga: Lover of Publicity

20 Sep

Lady Gaga may have toned down the hair and make-up to lauch her new scent last week but Gaga’s crazy side is never far away.

It was the last day of New York Fashion Week and she arrived perched on the back of a black convertible to take over the Guggenheim Museum. Now they say any publicity is good publicity but is it really?

In true Gaga style she demanded the crowds attention as she became the center piece of a surreal art show! She lay inside a giant perfume bottle ‘asleep’ for 2 hours whilst party goers were urged to “touch but not wake” the star.

Gaga then sprung to life whilst David Bowie’s hit Fame played in the background. The crowd gathered around to see what was next on the agenda. Much to the display of the party goers Lady Gaga then proceed to have her head shaved and tattooed in front of the crowd.

Now personally I find this to be a bit of an extreme way to sell perfume but with Gaga it seems to be the crazier the better! She sure does know how to demand attention anywhere she goes and kudos to her, she has came from nothing to being one of the most influential people in the world.

Masters of Style

11 Sep

*Round of applause*

Well done to Gillette for hitting their target market right on the head with their ‘Masters of Style’ Campaign. Other advertisers will be kicking themselves once the see what Gillette’s celebrity faces has done for their brand. Adrien Brody, Gael García Bernal and André “3000” Benjamin stroll through the adverts with style and ‘swag’ that not all there target market have but want.

Gillette have gone down a different route this time around, they are setting the trend for styling facial hair, making it an accessory to your outfit, occupation, lifestyle etc. The Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styler is aimed at more creative types who favor mustaches, goatees, soul patches and artfully crafted stubble. The choice of celebrities in the adverts is perfect as each of these men are very creative in their own fields.

The advert has had over 350,000 views on YouTube and has proven quite a hit with the ladies as well as the men. Take a look and tell me what you think.

Real Role Models

3 Sep

Women have come along way since gaining the right to vote in 1928. Back then It was all about equality and women like, Emmeline Pankhurst and Mary Richardson finding their own voice.

Nowadays we are faced with ‘Role Models’ such as ‘reality stars’ and ‘models’ who, unlike women in the 1920’s, are only known for the wrong reasons and seem to not care about the reputation they give other females.

Today I have came across an article which i find extremely inspiring, 30 Women In Digital Under 30. These are the women that girls today should be looking up to and aspiring to be! These women show that it’s possible to make it in the business Industry, which is still seen as sexist by some, and have their dream job as well as taking care of a family!

After reading through the rticle there was  women in particular that caught my eye. Emily Smith is 24 years old and she is already the Senior Account Manager at Whitespace an Independent digital design agency based in Edinburgh. She talks about being inspired by Sue Little and how she is constanly facing challenging opportunities. I find it very impressive that a woman, only a few years older than myself, can be in such a high ranking place already.

Take some time to read the article, I’m confident that you will be surprised by what these women have achieved.

Google+, Why Don’t The Cool Kids Care?

30 Aug

What does Mark Zuckerberg have that Larry Page and Sergey Brin don’t?

‘The Google Guys’ have been in the internet business since 1998, Mark Zuckerberg since 2010, have they been around too long to know what the new wave of ‘Cool Kids’ are looking for?  

The launch of Google+ in June 2011 has seen 10 million people sign up which is a drop in the ocean compared to Facebooks 845 million users monthly.

I recently came across the article ‘Why Google+ needs to be Jay-Z and not Tom Hanks, but can it change?’ and found it intriguing. I do believe that Google+ need to shake things up and be a ‘bit more Jay-Z’ to appeal to the new generation.

Maybe Google need to step out of the 90’s and take a look at what we’re saying. 


Hello world!

30 Aug

I’m a 20 year old Advertising and Public Relations student and as part of my course we are to create a blog!

This blog will mainly consist of the things I find interesting that are going on In the industry, work that I have created as part of my course and anything I come across that I enjoy to show a bit of my personality!

Thanks for visiting and i hope you take a look around.

Peace out!